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The year 2020 invariably changed our lives. Owing to the rampant spread of the novel coronavirus, everything across the world came to a standstill. Masks and sanitisers became our new accessories, home-cooked meals were preferred over take-outs and work got a whole new meaning. Amidst all this hullabaloo, several new trends were ushered in across a gamut of sectors and the interior design space was no exception. 

As an interior design firm in Hyderabad, we too witnessed a shift in customer expectations. We believe that residential design always evolves during times of crisis, and that’s exactly what happened. More requests came in for home offices as clients were looking at making optimum use of space within the four walls of their home. 

Post-COVID Home Interior Trends

Though these interior design trends emerged with the COVID-19 pandemic, they’re likely to stay even after the dust settles. 

Read on to find out what they are:

  • Home Office

Owing to the lockdown, work-from-home has become the order of the day. The same companies that didn’t believe in this model of work have now come to realise the several benefits. With the world still reeling under a sense of uncertainty, no one can really predict when IT companies and MNCs will call their employees back. This means, work-from-home is here to stay and for that you need to future-proof your home office. To keep your personal and professional life separate, having a designated study area/office is always helpful. 

There is an increased demand for comfortable office furniture (a solid desk and an ergonomic chair), good lighting, electrical sockets and efficient storage which can make one more active and productive at work. It is also important that home offices are made suitable for video calls which means the area has to be soundproof yet aesthetically pleasing. 

  • A Green Nook 

Owing to the quarantine prerequisites, individuals are forced to spend time in isolation for a given period. This has resulted in their well-being and overall mental health suffering. Thus, new residential designs today are focused on providing robust air ventilation within the home, filtration strategies and sunlight exposure. When provision is given for a small terrace or balcony, one can take in some fresh air without physically stepping out. It offers a sense of respite not only to adults who are victims of relentless online work but also children who are being home-schooled.

To enhance the air quality and have an unlimited supply of greens, individuals are also creating a green nook with their favourite plants and herbs (terrace garden).  

Owing to this trend, the demand for vertical gardens, indoor gardening, filtration systems and auto-cleaning technologies is likely to increase. 

  • Indoor Rejuvenation Spaces

Whether we like it or not, COVID-19 has impacted our lifestyle. Staying fit and rejuvenation has simply taken a backseat. Since gyms and spas are considered vulnerable COVID-induced areas, they’re either closed or operating for a few hours. This has made homeowners rethink their space. While small house owners are seeking the help of top interior designers in Hyderabad to create a designated workout space, big house owners are doing it all to accommodate gym equipment, speakers and a large mirror in their existing space. 

Besides staying fit, bathrooms are also undergoing remodelling. To fully de-stress, individuals are considering installing a steam function to their existing shower area or are opting for a luxurious bathtub as a remedy for relaxation. 

  • A Spacious Living Room & Welcoming Dining Area

The living room and dining room has always been the heart of the house. These are the two rooms where a family gathers together to chit-chat and eat respectively. 

The lockdown forced many of us to reconsider this space to make the most of it. Since it is an icon of comfort and relaxation, comfortable sofas and recliners are being added. Owing to the increased gadget use and dependency, provision for more electrical sockets is being given too. 

As far as the dining room is considered, people are going all out with the aesthetics as they are likely to entertain more at home. Classic and contemporary interior design styles are witnessing a big win.  Investing in an opulent dining set and buffet table has now become the order of the day. 

Post-COVID, a home is likely to play multiple roles in the lives of people. Whether it’s creating an office for adults or a playground for children, home owners are definitely going to rethink the way their space is used as they are looking to maximise every square inch. To make the journey of alteration and addition a less daunting one, we at Shravi, interior designers in Hyderabad, are at your service. We future-proof your home with the latest trends and beautiful designs using the most advanced tools. 

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